About Us
With over 150 years of experience, AFCO is the premier cleaning and sanitization partner in the Food & Beverage Industry.
Our global presence is built on exceptional regional coverage, with manufacturing and warehousing facilities and a world-class team of food safety, technical, and equipment specialists offering expert guidance. We provide custom sanitation and water treatment solutions as well as abatement cleaning services. And we have an unwavering dedication to sustainability backed by our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement.
Bulk & Mini Bulk Supplier
Over 150 Years
of Experience
Premier US Supplier
& Engineering
Leader in Water
Customer Care
Best Abatement Cleaning Service
Microbiology & Laboratory Services

Trusted Partner Delivering Sustainable Solutions Through Food Safety™
2024 Brand Refresh
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Sustainability Initiative in conjunction with our new Brand Refresh.
Our History
Below you’ll find a brief timeline of AFCO over the past 150 years.
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1855 Alexander Cuthill Fergusson arrived in the United States from Liverpool, England and founded Alex C. Fergusson, Inc. on 109 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia, PA.

1916 Fergusson set up a laboratory and plant to develop an electrolytic process for the manufacture of Potassium Ferricyanide needed to produce blueprints during World War I.

1942 AFCO started manufacturing industrial cleaning compounds, becoming a leading producer of proprietary chemicals and lubricants.

1970 Fergusson purchased fifteen acres of land in Frazer, Pennsylvania and built an 85,000 square foot building for offices, a laboratory, and manufacturing.

2004 AFCO moved the plant manufacturing operations and equipment group to the current headquarters in Chambersburg, PA.

2009-2014 AFCO acquires: Pure-Chem Products, Stanton, CA; R-Square Products, Gainesville, GA; Frontline Chemicals, Brandon, SD.

2016 AFCO acquired Thonhauser in Vienna, Austria and their patented Smart Technology portfolio.

2017 Zep/Acuity Specialty Products, Inc. acquired AFCO, all domestic and foreign entities.

2019 AFCO/Zep acquired EcoClear® deep cleaning and abatement services.

2019 AFCO was named Conagra Food Brands Indirect Supplier of the Year.

2020 Bimbo Baking USA awarded AFCO North American Vendor of the Year. (former AFCO President Mike Hinkle & Bimbo Bear)

2021 AFCO was named Conagra Food Brands Indirect Supplier of the Year.

2023 AFCO was named Sigma Supplier of the Year

AFCO awarded the 2024 Conagra Indirect Supplier of the Year for the third time in six years.
Commitment to Food Safety
Sustainability efforts are an important focus for our business. We support our customers to achieve their environmental goals. Our priority is to provide sanitation solutions that drive sustainable food safety. Together, we can succeed by operating more efficiently to manufacture quality food and reduce environmental impact.
Brand Promise
Trusted Partner Delivering Sustainable Solutions Through Food Safety™
Achieve Mutual ESG Goals
Expert Guidance
Develop Solutions
Deliver Results
Enable World Class Producers to Deliver Mass Production of Food
Offerings for all Sectors
Protocol and Standards
Cleaning & Sanitation
Water Treatment
Specialized Cleaning
Technical Equipment
Continuous Improvement
Sustainable Applications
Report Savings
Support Field to Factory