Intervention Solutions
Direct Microbial Intervention
FDA approved antimicrobial agents for use in federally inspected meat, poultry, seafood, fruit and vegetable, and egg processing facilities

Trusted Partner Delivering Sustainable Solutions Through Food Safety™
Peracetic Acid Intervention
4360 Perasafe FC-100
15% active PAA
FCNs 1389, 1650, 2099, 2224
FCN 1389
Poultry carcasses, parts, trim, and organs
Meat carcasses, parts, trim, and organs
Processed and pre-formed (ready-to-eat) meat and poultry
Seafood and fish
FCN 1650
Shell eggs
FCN 2099
Fruits & Vegetables – treat non-raw (cut/diced) fruits and vegetables
FCN 2224
Hard-boiled peeled eggs
FSIS Directive 7120.1 – list of approved substances for intervention
Approved for OLR (Poultry On-Line Reprocessing)
Canadian Meat Approval
4364 Perasafe HM
15% active PAA
FCN 1694
When used as directed in the process water or ice, Perasafe HM reduces bacterial contamination and cross-contamination that may cause product spoilage or decay of edible food products such as:
Meat carcasses, parts, trim, and organs
Processed and pre-formed (ready-to-eat) meat
Perasafe HM contains a lower concentration of HEDP than most peracetic acid based antimicrobial agents used on food
FSIS Directive 7120.1 - list of approved substances for intervention
23% active PAA
FCNs 1389, 2099, 2224
FCN 1389
Poultry carcasses, parts, trim, and organs
Meat carcasses, parts, trim, and organs
Processed and pre-formed (ready-to-eat) meat and poultry
Seafood and fish
FCN 2099
Fruits & Vegetables – treat non-raw (cut/diced) fruits and vegetables
FCN 2224
Hard-boiled peeled eggs
FSIS Directive 7120.1 - list of approved substances for intervention
Approved for OLR (Poultry On-Line Reprocessing)
4363 Perasafe 23
AFCO 0533 – 50% Food Grade Caustic Soda
AFCO 0532 – Food Grade Caustic Soda and Caustic Potash
pH adjusters used primarily in poultry
Used to raise the pH of the water and vessel treated by Perasafe
Raising pH saves or increases yield
Range usually 8.0 – 9.5 without organoleptic issues
pH Adjustment for Perasafe
4325 Per-Ox - 5.25% active PAA
EPA # 833-4
Treatment of raw, unprocessed fruits and vegetables
For use on Raw Agricultural Commodities that are applied in the field, at treatment facilities where raw agricultural commodities are the only food treated and the treatment does not change the status of the food as a raw agricultural commodity, and during transportation from the field to such a facility
4367 Per-Ox Extreme - 15% active PAA
EPA # 833-5
Treatment of raw, unprocessed fruits and vegetables
For use on Raw Agricultural Commodities that are applied in the field, at treatment facilities where raw agricultural commodities are the only food treated and the treatment does not change the status of the food as a raw agricultural commodity, and during transportation from the field to such a facility
Benefits of Perasafe
Helps ensure and/or increase shelf-life
Helps processors meet government regulations for tolerance levels
Helps maintain brand protection
There are no labeling requirements
Acceptable for use in the production of Organic Foods
Spraying products and lines may allow extended runs of conveyers and reduce the number of cleanings that are needed to maintain sanitary conditions
Environmentally friendly - breaks down into acetic acid, water and oxygen
Cost Effective
User friendly
PAA Equipment
Interior PAA Housing
Example of Perasafe System
Example of pH System
AFCO E3 PAA Data Logging
Users will be trained and supported by AFCO engineering
All data captured in real time
Historical data from 3 months to 5 years
Data parameters
PAA ppm
PAA total volume for any time period
pH adjuster volume for any period of time
Water volume for any period of time for each area
Alerts and/or alarms sent to phone or email for any parameter
Mobile interface
Users will be directed to download the application to access the E3 system from their PC.
E3 Credentials – specific for customer and customer locations. Customer corporate locations have different accessibility than site location users.
AFCO E3 Mobile
E3 Mobile
On mobile devices users can create a custom icon for connection to the mobile platform
E3 Mobile Login
Users can login to their account on mobile devices
E3 Mobile Credentials
User credentials are the same on the mobile platform
E3 Mobile Equipment
Users have the same equipment access
E3 Mobile Data
Data shown is in real-time
TypHall Activation for Chlorine Dioxide
Hydragenix® TypHall Activator
A better activation method for Chlorine Dioxide
AFCO exclusive
Efficient activation
Unique, patented, GRAS-certified acidic product, based on Tydronium, that produces a high conversion percentage
At 1:10 ratio TypHall produces a 5X conversion over citric acid at same ratio
At 1:10 ratio TypHall will mimic the pH & conversion values of phosphoric acid when diluted 1:20
Sustained conversion % up to at least 8 hours
Corrosion potential below Citric and Phosphoric
Chlorine Dioxide Intervention
*KEEPER® Professional
Antimicrobials used to eliminate pathogens
Kosher certified
Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) listed
Poultry, Red Meat, Seafood, & Post Harvest
Post Harvest - FDA (21 CFR 173.325)
Applications - Hydrocooler, Flume Water, Packaging
Poultry - FDA (21 CFR 173.325; FCN 730) and FSIS (7120.1) approved
Applications - Post Evisceration, Chiller, Post Chill
Red Meat - FDA (21 CFR 173.325; FCN 450) and FSIS (7120.1) approved
Applications – Carcass, Deboning, Trimming and Grinding, Forming and Packaging
Seafood - FDA (21 CFR 173.325; FCN 900) and FSIS (7120.1) approved
Applications – Rinse, Wash, Thaw, Transport, or Store
*Keeper® is a registered trademark of Bio-Cide International, a Kemin Company
Benefits of Chlorine Dioxide
Fast acting
Broad spectrum antimicrobial activity
Low corrosion potential
Effective over broad pH range (1-10)
May be used at neutral pH
Acceptable for use in organic food production
More resistant to organic soils than many other antimicrobial agents
Chlorine Dioxide Equipment
Wall Mixing Station
No electricity or wiring required
Can be set to concentrations from 500-6,700 ppm
Only one water connection required
Includes wall mounting brackets for easy installation
Automated Activation
Non-Electric (AANE™)
Designed as a convenient and simple way to activate Keeper®
A low-cost system that eliminates the need for manual mixing and diluting
Insures consistent activation every time
No electricity or wiring required
Reliable and proven in the field
User Friendly/Simple to use
Safe Production of ClO2/Acidified Sodium Chlorite (ASC) (0.1 – 1200 ppm)
Consistent precise injection directly into process stream
Flow rates up to 400 Gallons Per Minute (GPM)
Easy to maintain
Reliable performance
Level sensors with shut down sensors
Lockable safety enclosure
Alarm function with flashing strobe
Built in bypass
Electric Dual Injector,
Enclosed (EDIE™)
Essential pieces and technology of the TITAN™ system
Activation chamber like TITAN
Eliminates the need for a batch tank
Proven reliability of Grundfos® pumps
Can be adjusted to output a concentration of 0.1 - 500 PPM (flow rate dependent)
Level Sensors Foot Valves ensure pumps STOP when chemical is OUT
Pumps display maintenance needs directly on their screen
Standby Switch - allows end-users to easily place system in Standby without the risk of altering settings by interacting with menus