Smart Technology
Smart Gel, Smart CIP, and TM Desana
The New Dimension of Cleaning: Patented cleaning verification technology with color indication that reduces water usage and cleaning time.

Trusted Partner Delivering Sustainable Solutions Through Food Safety™
Smart Gel
A two-part product that is easily mixed and applied via spray bottle. It stays purple in clean conditions and turns green or yellow as it comes into contact with organic soils.
TM Smart Gel 5547
Smart CIP
Inline cleaning & verification agents for CIP systems in chlorinated or non-chlorinated versions.
TM Smart CIP 5544 chlorinated alkaline liquid
TM Smart Add A&B 5545/5548 non-chlorinated alkaline liquid
TM Desana
Cleaning & verification agents for dispensing systems available in powder or liquid as well as chlorinated or non-chlorinated versions.
TM Desana Max IC 5567 non-chlorinated powder
TM Desana Max IC 5573 chlorinated powder
TM Desana Basic 5565 non-chlorinated alkaline liquid
TM Desana IC 5542 chlorinated alkaline liquid
Smart Gel
Verification gel with integrated color indicator
Visualizes oxidizable, organic residues on surfaces
Quick – shows results in 60 seconds
Violet means CLEAN
No additional instruments needed
For large scale surfaces
Hygiene checks made easy
Smart CIP
Improved CIP efficiency
Reduction in water
Reduction in cleaning times
Quality Assurance – an insufficient CIP routine will be detected in-line immediately
TM Desana for Dispensing Systems
The color indicator provides information on the hygienic status inside of the system during the cleaning process.
Purple means perfect clean at the end of the process